Author: sanlog7

Antiques stoves look great, but don’t ignore the Good, Bad, and Ugly

About 20 years ago, I ran across the most beautiful Okeefe & Merritt stove. It was in awesome condition (not the one pictured). It had a chrome top with four burners and a bitchin’ pancake grill in the middle. The built in salt and pepper shakers were still perfect, and the clock (though not working) […]

The Quick and Easy way to win the Lottery-it’s right under your. . .

A lot of people say “When I win the lottery…”, followed by the fantastic, generous, greedy, philanthropic, misguided, whimsical, etc., things they will by or places they will go.  I had a friend while I was living in Southern California, who faithfully bought his lottery tickets twice a week.  He told me “Rich, I hope […]

Home Warranty Insurance-Is it the bee’s knees?

Is pulling a youngster out of the dryer a repair covered by your home warranty??  What good is that home warranty insurance policy you just got with your new home, or bought as your ‘repair anything’ policy?  Is it fool’s gold, or better than sliced bread? Most people learn about home warranties when they buy […]

You have better odds in Vegas-Don’t lay your refrigerator down!

  If you like going to Las Vegas, you should know that the Craps table has ok odds. If you bet the minimum on the pass/don’t pass, then add an odds bet behind it, all you need to do is catch a ‘run’, and make a few bucks. If you don’t care for Vegas (or […]

Un-sexy remodeling tips everyone should know

    Lately I’ve run into a couple of situations that lead me to give you some invaluable tips when you are planning or executing either a remodel, or building a new structure. I know you’ve heard the saying “plan ahead”, and I also know that remodeling sometimes has to happen “on the fly”. I […]

Convert your tiny space into a Tiny Apartment!

This is a story of why I am a genius.  I was really looking forward to a relaxed weekend.  That all ended when Jen and I discovered that our 40 gallon propane, AO Smith water heater was bleeding to death.  The picture is of this champion of tanks, lying in state.   This might normally […]

You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. . .Sink in a Washer

The technology developed over the last 15 years or so will continue to weep into appliances (and appliance repairs). Not only are manufacturers using tech to increase efficiency, they are developing new niches that can command higher prices for their products. Check out the latest washer, that has a built in sink. Hey, maybe you […]


Visit Here are a few useful dishwasher tips that dishwasher owners should know to make sure they are getting the great results from their dishwashers. General Dishwasher Tips Always scrape off excess food before loading. There is no need to wash your dishes in the sink first when using modern dishwashers and high quality […]

Larger Size Laundry Solutions/Problems

My brother-in-law, Bill Bowman, told me that a good friend of his had died recently and that the he didn’t attend the funeral.  I asked him why he hadn’t gone, and Bill said “He’s not coming to mine, so I’m not going to his!” So, you absolutely love the new larger, energy efficient laundry units, […]