Oven Snake Removal… at your service.

We got a call today to remove the panels of a stove. Just that, no more. Why, we asked would you need us to do this. Customer: “For full disclosure, my corn snake is inside.” Of course we had no way of slithering out of this one. So we did a tech survey to see who was “snake friendly”, or more simply who is not deathly afraid to take this job. Kyron stepped up to the plate. We try to be as accommodating as possible, but there is no way we’re gonna pass up this opportunity. Kyron arrived and as it turned out, he had to do a whole lot of dismantling. So, if your Koala bear is stuck in the dishwasher, or the chimpanzee is playing in the washer again, or maybe your oven just doesn’t heat, go to www.SaveMyAppliance.com There’s nothing more to add, except the video…